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It can be overwhelming to figure out what career is best for your life. Maybe you know you want to do something that helps people and maybe you even know that you want to work in healthcare. But the first "Google" search leaves you with more than you can process and thinking what even is that profession.

If one of those thoughts was "What even is a DPM?" or "What does a Podiatrist do?" then you should make plans to join us and see what the profession is all about.

"What is a DPM - ACFAS Edition," is going to introduce you to the field of Podiatric Medicine through hands on workshops, meeting students, residents and DPMs, and getting a tour through the exhibit hall to see the technology and scope of the profession.

Where: Phoenix Convention Center

When: Saturday, March 29, 2025. From 9:30 am - 3:00pm

Lunch will be provided.

Please wear comfortable shoes and dress business casual.

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